All we can say is, "THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU!!"

Thank you all for all of your prayers and support through this both exciting and trying time in our lives. You have rallied around us with such support that we are humbled and honored.
Most importantly, we thank God for all of his miraculous provision in our lives. He has truly given us a sense of peace throughout this ordeal, and that peace can't be explained in human terms. In a situation that appeared so dire, we knew that every obstacle in Reagan's path would be lifted by a loving heavenly father who has amazing plans for our daughter. I (Brock) speak for myself when I say, even though logic said that all of t

hese problems were too large for a newborn to overcome, I KNEW beyond a shadow of a doubt that Reagan was going to be fine and live a full, healthy life. We already know that she's going to be a fierce warrior for God's kingdom!
With that said, I would like to announce that iReagan 0.0.4 is in fact completely wireless!! Yup, that's right, no strings, cords, wires, or lines connected to her. I'm almost afraid she'll run away since she doesn't have a leash attached to her. I would, however, like to point out a glitch in the programming. Normally, when it comes to computers, the rule is "Garbage In, Garbage Out." With all of the versions of iReagan, it's been a different story. We fill her with what seems to be pure wholesome goodness straight from Esther's bosom, and what do we get on the flip side?... Unadulterated foulness!! I'm gonna have to take this glitch up with the master programmer and see what He can do to remedy the problem.
I would also like to show you the following picture, and see if you see anything that looks different.

That's right!! What you see behind me is the backdrop of our humble abode. And Reagan's there with us!! They discharged her today at about 2:00 in the afternoon, and since then, she has not spent a moment without being in someone's arms. We are so excited to be home now, and to be able to spend time with the little munchkin is priceless!

To give you an update on the kidney situation, the doctors did the "dye" test today. I'm sorry I don't have a medical name for this test, but I've had so many acronyms thrown at me these past few days, that they've all become a jumbled mess in my mind. I'm pretty sure some of the acronyms were actually cuss words in Portuguese, but I don't have any Portuguese friends I can ask. Back to the "dye" test. This was a test to determine where the urine was flowing to after it left the kidney. The preliminary results are very good because they discovered that none of the urine is flowing upstream. When urine flows upstream, it means that it has a tendency to collect and get infected. The example the doctor used was quite disgusting. He said, (and I want you to imagine this in what I think was a Vietnamese accent), "Eeemagine eef yoo leef da pee pee

seeting een da toylet foh too oh tree days. Eet gets velly steenky. Dee same theeng happens eef da pee pee seets in da keedney foh too long." So, it's a good thing the "pee pee" is heading downstream only, because we certainly don't want our daughter to reek of old urine! (Although, that may solve the boy problem she will face in the very near future. They'll say, "She's beautiful, but stinks like a NYC subway!") What happens next is Reagan goes in for another ultrasound on her kidney in about 2 weeks, and then she is seen by a nephrologist (spelling?) in about a month. In the meantime, we get to enjoy our darling daughter with the knowledge that the doctors are on top of things. Since they don't

seem too concerned, we aren't too concerned. We know that all of these things will sort themselves out in time.
Thanks again for all of your prayers and support! Reagan will be out and about before you know it, and I know she's going to want to meet all of the people praying for her.
Can't wait to see you all!
Brock, Esther, and REAGAN!!
God is AWESOME, isn't HE?
Welcome home, Sweet Reagan!
JoEllen Hummel
again - the humorous, informative updates are VERY welcome, cousin Sheets! Keep 'em coming!
Praying along with everyone else,
Yeah!!! Praise the Lord!! We can't wait to meet your little girl! I can already tell she is gorgeous!!
We are so glad she's home! Enjoy!
God is so GOOD, isn't He?! He is the Ultimate Doctor, and has every resource Reagan will ever need, he knew every little hair on her head before she was born!! I also think she gets prettier every time I see new pictures! Praise God for her little healthy life!
You know how over joyed I am that she is home. You are so right when you say she's going to be an awesome warrior for God! She's already a testimony to many in just the few days she has been here! 2 things do have a Portuguese friend...I just don't know the language! :) Also...I'm FAMOUS! I made it to your blog! :) Thanks for allowing me to be a part of your lives! Aimee! :)
Welcome home, Reagan! (AKA "Sweet Cheeks" - for obvious reasons!) I've been praying and it's good to see God's answers!
Brock, I'll agree that Reagan's the most beautiful baby in the world...provisionally. (None of my kids are babies anymore and Nathan and Joshua aren't dads, yet!) However, once that happens, all bets are off!
Say "hi" to Grampa Dave and Gramma Bea for us, and give those Sweet Cheeks a kiss for me!
Marcia W. from CWC
YAY! I'm so glad she's home. She is just too precious for words. Esther you looked especially hot in that hospital gown!!! Love you!!!
Peace to you and the family as you adjust - Hope to see you and the new one soon.
PRAISING GOD for all the GREAT news!
Thanking God for His healing hands!
The pictures are sooooo good!
So thankful that you have her home!
Have fun making memories!
With hearts full of praise to God!
Love and continued prayers,
Aunt Sally and Uncle Paul
Thank You for the pictures and the updates Brock and Esther. We love the pictures. She is just beautiful. She reminds me of her Grandma Bea's baby pictures, or mine. Greatgrandmom Millie got Mom Mom Bea's pictures and my baby pictures mixed up. LOL Gary and I are so happy for you both. We love you all. Tell Mom Mom Bea and Pop Pop David we said hello and hold Reagan a little while for me.
Hey, you guys. She is beautiful. What a riot reading your posts Brock. Your mom emailed me last night and filled me in on some stuff. I am so glad things are going well. Give your folks a hug for me. I wish I was there. Love you guys, all of ya. Jude
So glad you've been able to welcome Reagan home. I can't get over how absolutely beautiful she is! Congratulations again on your precious bundle of pink perfection.
What a joy to see the new little one for the first time. I don't understand how someone as young as we are can be Great Grandparents, but we accept the title with pride and thanksgiving. Can't wait to hold the little darling in February.
God bless the three of you.
Congratulations! That is awesome!
Brandon & Jennifer
Brock. Esther, & Reagan. Jacob and I are so excited for you. We are very glas to hear the Reagan is doing better and is able to be home with you now!
The excitement you are feeling is what we will have in few months then Reagan and Renee can play together with Ezra Greer, Nathan Lindner, and Johanna Hogan! All these little friends how exciting.
God Bless.
unbelievable! she's beautiful! congratulations all!
you do realize that it's been over 3 weeks since you've updated . . . right? i keep checking every day, and keep being disappointed.
your great aunt Carolyn
UPDATE ALREADY!!!! We wanna see this child before she's 2!!!! Ok fine.. if you don't I'm just going to fly out there... oh say around April 11- April 18th and see her for myself!!! :) See ya soon Regan Joy!!
Beautiful beautiful! Congrats! Do we need to set you up on a posting schedule Brock? I agree with Sherilyn-we want to see her before she is two! I'm sure you have nothing else to do right now...HA HA it is sooner than later. I've officially conformed. NOW I've earned the right to say whatever I want about other people's lack of posts, because I'll be one of them. So, here goes: COME ON ALREADY!!!
You're late. No, not the kind of late that means you're pregnant. You're the kind of late that makes people never want to viset your blog because there's NOTHING NEW.
I'm placing you on probation as a link on my blog.
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