Life As I Know It
Another blog for you to get sucked into.
Monday, October 24, 2005
Sunday, October 23, 2005
My entrance to the newest... fad? trend? phenomenon? movement??

So, I'll save you all the babble about not knowing what blogging is all about, and just jump right in and tell you why this blog is coming into existence.
1) I've got a kid coming. It's a beautiful baby girl that my lovely wife, Esther, is currently incubating in her tummy until mid-January. We're going to name her Reagan Joy. We can't wait to see what she looks like.
2) Reagan is my parents' first grand-baby and my sister's first niece. They live in Northern Virginia. We live in Southern California. Not having this blog would drive Momma Bea absolutely crazy. This blog will also end up saving my Dad a lot of money on airfare.
3) Reagan will be my grandparents' first great-grand-baby and my great-grandma's first great-great-grand-baby. She will be the first of a new generation in my wife's family too. I've got extended family in more states and time zones than I can count. This blog will save ME a lot of money on airfare.
4) I've lived in, traveled to, and known people from almost every state in this great country. Most of these people would have no idea where and how I am if it wasn't for this little tool called "the internet." (I'm pretty sure it's here to stay.)
Now before you hippies out there start to say to yourselves "Oh great. Here's another blog about some yuppie's spoiled baby," let me clarify. This is MY blog. Reagan will get her own at a later date when Esther or I take the time to make it. The truth is, I took WAY too long of a nap today and can't sleep. So, I'm up a little late and decided, "Now is as good a time as any to start my blog."
So, as you can see, this blog is not some place for me to vent, preach, or get in touch with my emotions. (Although, I'm feeling like I need to go for a hike to find some inner truth as I'm writing this. Wait... that's just heartburn.) It's a place for you to come and look into my life without bugging me. It's so you can see what I'm up to whenever we haven't spoken in a while. I think it's gonna be pretty fun too!
I'll sum it up with a horrible pun.
"This Blog's for You."
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