Wednesday, December 28, 2005

Here's the deal, Christmas happened, we're having a baby in a matter of days, We're implementing a ton of new growth strategies at work, and, oh yeah, we're BUYING A HOUSE!! Needless to say, I've been a little swamped. I will give you full details on a later post. But for now, I will earnestly request your prayers for each situation and give you a few pictures as a teaser.


We have been approved to move forward with the purchase, and now we are working on getting all of the financing together. If all goes smoothly, we will be moving in around January 20th.

The doctor told Esther yesterday that she wouldn't be surprised if Reagan came before the end of the year!! In case you haven't looked at a calendar recently, THAT'S IN 3 DAYS!!

We will probably have a baby and move within 2 weeks of each other.

Pray for our sanity......

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